Q - How will I get my purchase?

A - For our physical products, if you are in the USA please allow 7 - 10 days  for shipping (sometimes sooner). If you are in Canada - as this is classed as international shipping please allow 10 - 20 days. At the moment, we do not ship to Australia and NZ, however we have plans to in the next 12 months so stay tuned!

Q - What if I want a refund, do you do that?

A - Yes absolutely. If you decide our product isn't for you within 30 days of purchase, send it back to us and if it's in re sellable condition, we'll give you a complete refund!

Q - Is buying from you safe?

A - 100%. We use Paypal and Stripe (two of the world's leading digital payment processors) to process payments in our store. 

Q - Where are you located?

A - We are based in Australia. But we have staff and offices  from all over the world. From the US to the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and everywhere in between!

Q - How many staff do you have?

A - There's Anna, Dan (husband and wife) Joana, Sally & Tin. Then there's the rest of the team who pack and ship your purchase to you! (too many names to mention :-)) Between us, we answer your enquiries, operate the store, create videos and books to help you and occasionally spend a little too much at the cafe up the road :-)